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toushiro (7-14-20): machete cashcrop=3vp every harvest... i only know this at end game. i should have taken all 3vp at cash crop at round 13 harvest (which now it shows i have harvested 2v); i would then resow cash crop round 14 and harvest all 3vp as well.My score should be 40 9 3=52.   [Modify]   [Remove]
ROUND 1 [Add Comment]
ROUND 2 [Add Comment]
ROUND 3 [Add Comment]
ROUND 4 [Add Comment]
ROUND 5 [Add Comment]
ROUND 6 [Add Comment]
ROUND 7 [Add Comment]
ROUND 8 [Add Comment]
ROUND 9 [Add Comment]
ROUND 10 [Add Comment]
ROUND 11 [Add Comment]
ROUND 12 [Add Comment]
ROUND 13 [Add Comment]
ROUND 14 [Add Comment]
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